Music with Meaning

Ron’s children’s books try to inspire, inform, and get young readers to see things in new ways. His books make great gifts – for birthdays, holidays, or any other day. Order at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

50 Things Animals Can Teach Us
Animals can teach us many things, from life lessons to everyday wisdom. This book captures 50 such lessons from all kinds of creatures, providing a never-ending source of interest and learning for children of all ages.
50 Things Animals Can Teach Us (Amazon)
50 Things Animals Can Teach Us (Barnes & Noble)

A Special Kind of Family
This inspiring story of Hawa'ii wisdom keeper Kimokeo Kapahelehua nurtures the spirit of "family" ('ohana) in the outrigger paddling community. It will help young readers appreciate the connective spirit of family and culture. A portion of the proceeds from this book will go to the Kimokeo Foundation, dedicated to spreading the Hawai'ian cultural legacy, so it lasts for generations.
A Special Kind of Family (Amazon)
A Special Kind of Family (Barnes & Noble