Music with Meaning
05/22/24 Ron Broadens His Exposure
In an attempt to broaden his exposure, Ron is now prominently displayed in Times Square, NY, as well as published in ShoutoutDFW. Ron hopes this will expand his devoted but relatively thin fan base.
(Photo Editing: Alan S.)
11/7/22 Nothing Like A Friend
The latest song from Ron Ovadia, this is a tribute to friendships, which help make our lives so much richer and more gratifying.
12/20/21 Just One Smile
Songwriter Ron Ovadia is pleased to announce the release of his latest song, "Just One Smile," capturing the simple yet powerful effects of this universal facial expression – a smile – which serves as a greeting, a way to bring comfort to someone, and a nonverbal means of expressing yourself when the words just aren’t there.
10/22/21 Standard of Lovin'
Songwriter Ron Ovadia is pleased to announce the re-release of his 2021 song, “Standard of Lovin,” which highlights the real value in relationships and what it takes to restore love when people forget why they connected in the first place. (Ron made changes to the original version, released 5/21/21.)
8/11/21 You Bring Out The Best
Songwriter Ron Ovadia is pleased to announce the release of his latest song, “You Bring Out The Best,” written for his wife Nargues (Jackie)...
5/29/21 Standard of Lovin'
Songwriter Ron Ovadia is pleased to announce the release of his latest song, “Standard of Lovin,” which highlights the real value in relationships and what it takes to restore love when people forget why they connected in the first place.
1/1/21 No Place for Hate
Songwriter Ron Ovadia is pleased to announce the release of his latest song and lyric-video, "No Place For Hate," dedicated to restoring unity in our deeply divided nation. Ron was inspired to write the song as an antidote to the pain so many of us have felt these past few years, and as a way of hopefully beginning to heal some of the wounds.

10/14/20 Make America Whole Again
Songwriter Ron Ovadia was interviewed by Authority magazine. The discussion covered a wide range of interesting topics. Please give it a read!

9/21/20 Make America Whole Again
Songwriter Ron Ovadia is pleased to announce the release of his latest song and video, "Make America Whole Again," dedicated to restoring unity in our deeply divided nation. Ron was inspired to write the song and produce a companion video in the run-up to the 2018 election as a retort to the misleading “Make America Great Again” campaign.

07/01/20 "Heroes Of The Front Line" Released
Songwriter Ron Ovadia released a new song and video, "Heroes Of The Front Line," honoring and celebrating our first responders and essential workers for their bravery and sacrifice during the COVID-19 pandemic.