Music with Meaning

How does one respond to the horrific and inhuman invasion of Ukraine by Russia? Millions of people around the world, including many Russians, have united against this atrocity. Meanwhile, I have written a song dedicated to the courageous people of Ukraine. See the video now!
This song/video was spread virally all around the world, with 65,000 YouTube views, many in Ukraine. It helped raise spirits and money – the latter, to three of many organizations providing humanitarian and medical relief to the brave and deserving Ukrainian people.
UNICEF Ukraine Relief Fund
Ukraine - Doctors Without Borders
United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
I want to thank Rick Riso for his heartfelt performance, Marty Rifkin for his extraordinary musicianship and production, Grant Maloy Smith for the inspiring video, and many friends and family members whose contributions made this possible.
~ Ron O.
(feat. Rick Riso)
(Dedicated to the courageous Ukrainian people)
© 2022 Music & Words by Ron Ovadia
Vocal: Rick Riso
Background Vocals: Renee Safier & Rick Riso
Produced by: Marty Rifkin & Ron Ovadia
Guitars, Bass, Programming: Marty Rifkin
Piano: Ron Ovadia
Recording, Mixing & Mastering: Rifkin Products
Cover Art & Video: Grant Maloy Smith
To the people of Ukraine | standing proud and tall
With hearts that beat for freedom | We support you one and all
You have tasted newfound liberties | Not about to let them go
Cuz the seeds of all free nations | Always need to grow, this is…
Your beloved home
Where you have your friends and families
Your beloved home | Where you live in democracy
A home you have to save | In a war you didn’t start
They can try to take your land and lives
But they’ll never win your hearts
To the patriots in arms | Heroes out-manned
Like David and Goliath | But without a stone in hand
You’re trying to protect your future
And your sons and daughters too
And bravely guard your rightful home
Oh, what else can you do? This is…
Your beloved home
Not a place for some cruel invader
Your beloved home | Where your future’s even greater
A home you have to save | In a war you didn’t start
They can try to take your land and lives
But they’ll never win your hearts
And though your blood has spilled | They cannot break your will
Cuz you know it’s worth the fight | when you’re in the right
And you’ll battle to your last breath | Cuz this is life and death
Buying time with your own lives | Until the end’s in sight, it’s…
Your beloved home
Where you have a deep connection
Your beloved home | A place with free elections
A home that’s being shattered
With families torn apart
They can try to take your land and lives
But they’ll never win your hearts!
Oh, it's...
Your beloved home
You’re defending on your own
And your beloved home | Just know you’re not alone
The Free World’s trying to do its part
To support your courage from the start
It’s your beloved home | Your beloved home
They can try to take your land and lives
But they’ll never win your hearts!